St. Maarten - Netherlands Antilles
Located 1250 miles southeast of Miami Florida.
The island itself is only 37 square miles but it contains two countries, flies
two flags, uses three currencies and speaks at least three languages - English,
French, and Dutch. The French side of the island is St. Martin. Part of the
French West Indies. The Dutch side of the island is St. Marrten. Its part of
the Netherlands Antilles.
We’ve made 3 trips to St. Martin with our Friends Bil (W8EB) and Dorothy (W8DVC) in 2001, 2002, and again in 2004. We had a great time during each visit. During 2 of the trips we operated in the ARRL Phone contest as PJ7B . What a great experience. Nothing compares to the rush you get when the pileups hit. If you've never had the experience as ham radio operator, I really encourage to be to find an opportunity to do so. As you can see from the certificates below we took first place for (ST. Maarten Saba St. Eustatius).
I also operated RTTY from the island and made over 100 QSO's during each visit.